Friday, November 1, 2019

Just Write Something

The challenge for November: Write Every Day.

Just write something. Write something meaningful.

Today, I wrote 7 things on a list and crossed 4 of them off.

I wrote an impact statement to DonorsChoose donors for funding my project.
I wrote a request to DonorsChoose asking if I could hand-deliver thank you cards to donors from students (they said no).

I wrote lesson plans for the sub for Monday and Tuesday.

I wrote 4 text messages to the kids’ grandpa, 4 text messages to a student who seemed down, 3 text messages to my mom, 2 text messages to my girl scouts co-leader, and an email to my daughter asking her why she wanted me to email her English teacher. I then wrote an email to my daughter’s English teacher, giving my daughter permission to read a book in class.

I wrote 4 responses to friends on Facebook (2 responses were snarky).

I wrote several messages on Messenger to Alicia, about surviving the day, and several more to Noel, about surviving the next election.

I wrote an email to my principal (why is it so HOT in my room? And why did the guy from Herff Jones talk to the seniors about partying, getting married as they stand before God, and their gender identity --only choices available? male or female-- all in an attempt to get their orders for graduation gowns before 8 a.m.?).

I wrote an email to my whole building asking if anyone was going over to the middle school who could deliver a package, an email to the middle school teacher (the recipient of said package), and another email to my whole building pointing out that the Powerteacher gradebook might delete full assignments with all entered grades if you tried to change anything about the assignment after it was recorded.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
I wrote an email to the parents of my English 3 students, informing them of upcoming assessments and midterm feedback.

I wrote a Creative Writing project for next week and posted it to Google Classroom.

It is 1:30 p.m. I could use some coffee.

I really want to write a blog post. Something that feels meaningful. Something that feels like my soul gets to speak up. But I’m too busy writing, it seems.

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