Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Coronacation Diaries, Episode 95

Run up the Big Hill

Although my daughter missed her first "not really a practice but some people will get together to skate but this isn't sanctioned so league insurance doesn't cover it" practice, we did show up today. But, no one else was there. Apparently Facebook is hard and I didn't quite understand what the "not really a practice" schedule was.

We sat on some rocks and waited for about half an hour. It was quiet, and peaceful, and the weather was perfection. Some guys were working out, HARD, running up and down the sledding hill. Women randomly walked by in pairs, dressed in running shorts and running tanks, the summer soccer mom outfit of choice. A youth field hockey team practiced in the skating rink and then got their pep talk after practice. "We are the best team in the league! We will work the hardest! We might not have the most talent, but we have the hardest workers! Go, team!"

When it became clear that no skating would occur, my daughter and I decided to hike up the sledding hill. It was a slog. I was panting like an overweight middle-aged woman by the time I got to the top. #busted. At the top of the hill, we took photos. She restarted her picture a day challenge, since I accidentally erased the entire last year of her life on her phone when I reset it. I took pictures of her taking pictures. #meta.

She's told me some things these last few days. Confided in me. 14 is a tough year. She is going into high school, figuring out who she is, and who she wants the world to see.

These fleeting moments captured in time frozen by a pandemic are incredible and precious. I'm not sure these moments would happen in any other reality.

Sometimes, we are gifted a moment --a chance to run up the big hill, stop at the top, take in the view, and try to memorize the details. This right here, right now is an opportunity.

Let's run up the big hill.

Photo by 

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